No: 212, 1 September 2023, Press Statement Regarding Developments in the Countryside of Deir ez-Zor

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 01.09.2023

We closely monitor with concern the clashes that have been taking place between the components of the separatist terrorist organization in Syria and certain Arab tribal elements in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor.

This development is a new manifestation of the terrorist organization's attempts to subjugate the native peoples of Syria through violence, oppression and violation of basic human rights.

We hope that the true nature of this terrorist organization, which seeks to conceal its aims and intentions by claiming to be an actor in the fight against DEASH, will be comprehended by its backers without further delay and without causing more harm to the native elements of the region, including the Syrian Kurds.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:00 - 12:30

14:00 - 17:30 arası telefonla ulaşılabilir. Büyükelçiliğimize toplu taşımayla ulaşmayı arzu eden vatandaşlarımızın şehir merkezinden 19 numaralı otobüse (Elfenau istikametinde) binerek, Willadingweg durağında inmeleri gerekmektedir.
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