Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship Programme

Bern Büyükelçiliği 13.08.2014


A scholarship will be awarded to a Swiss national who wishes to study Turkish language in Turkey.

Eligibility requirements for the programme:

- Applicant must be a civil servant/public officer (preferably holder of a Master / PhD degree) with at least three years experience or a researcher / academic who currently pursues / have already completed a PhD programme in the fields of social sciences on a topic related to Turkey,

- Applicants must be under 40 years of age,

- Applicants must not be benefiting from any of Türkiye Scholarships,

- Applicants must present a reference letter and a permission letter for leave from their departments / institutions / universities.

The monthly allowance of Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship is 1500 Turkish Liras (approximately 705 USD) and scholarship will be granted for 8 to 10 months.

The Turkish language programmes, which are planned to start on 15 October 2014, will be conducted in İstanbul, Ankara and / or İzmir.

Application forms for the said scholarship programme can be downloaded via the following link:

Applicants are kindly requested to submit their applications through e-mail ( no later than 31 August 2014.

İlgili Dosyalar

Turkish Language Scholarships.docx


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:00 - 12:30

14:00 - 17:30 arası telefonla ulaşılabilir. Büyükelçiliğimize toplu taşımayla ulaşmayı arzu eden vatandaşlarımızın şehir merkezinden 19 numaralı otobüse (Elfenau istikametinde) binerek, Willadingweg durağında inmeleri gerekmektedir.
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